



1. Which river has the second-largest discharge in the world?A.The Finke River. B.The Amazon River.C.The Ganges River. D.The Congo River.

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,选项,贝。SararahDean has a better appreciation for rescue services after they saved her dog Yoyo. She had letthe dog out of their house lying at the foot of a mountain on Friday night. Sarah said it was 41 ofYoyo to stay out late, but she grew worried the next morning when it had n’t still 42Then, Sarah's daughter was outside and she heard what sounded like a small dog faraway. When the43 checked it out, they discovered that a tree had fallen in the woods and 44 an old well cover.Yoyo was n't aware of the 45 and fell 35 feet into the abandoned well with about 8 feet of water.



45.A.warnings B.examples D.entertainmentsC similarities46.A.special C.unbelievable D.obvious


22. How much should a couple pay for a t our in a Oceanview cabin?A.£3,229. B. £2,199.C. £6,458 D. £4,398.