福建省2023-2024学年度八年级下学期综合抽测 R-RGZX P FJ英语试卷答案

福建省2023-2024学年度八年级下学期综合抽测 R-RGZX P FJ英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于福建省2023-2024学年度八年级下学期综合抽测 R-RGZX P FJ英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、福建省2023-2024学年度八年级下学期综合抽测 R-RGZX P FJ英语试卷答案听力部分

63. What do we know about the boy?A.Nobody wanted to be his friend.B.The teacher didn't let him play.C. There were problems with his eyes.D.Nobody knew why he was sad.

福建省2023-2024学年度八年级下学期综合抽测 R-RGZX P FJ英语试卷答案

They organized a party to celebrate their ____win____last weekend.59.如果你想去那个公交站,你得先往东走。

2、福建省2023-2024学年度八年级下学期综合抽测 R-RGZX P FJ英语试卷答案选择题部分

福建省2023-2024学年度八年级下学期综合抽测 R-RGZX P FJ英语试卷答案

33.What can be learned from paragraph 4?A.Causes of climate change. B.Harm of global warming.C.Ways to stop global warming. D.Roles of the oceans.

福建省2023-2024学年度八年级下学期综合抽测 R-RGZX P FJ英语试卷答案

61. The competition is to inspire foreign students to learn Chinese and improve theirunderstanding of Chinese culture.62.She was an addict to shopping, constantly buying new clothes even when she couldn'tafford them.63.His writings had been translated into various languages.64.The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.65.This meal is typical of local cookery.