




第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10分)( B)11.A.English.B.Physics.(( )22.A.(OnceC. Maths.B.Twice.(C)3.A.0n Tuesday.C. Three times.B.0n Friday.(A)4.A..It’s next to the hotel.C. On Saturday.B. It’s in the park.( B)55. A. A teacher.


25.Why did the author sell doughnuts?A.To follow the fashion. B.To respond to an event.C.To pursue his hobby. D.To taste more flavors.



第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)not only about making a living, but poetry too. With this concept, Chinese film Poetry shinesa light on the long-neglected world of poetry, 56 (explore) the tension between the ideals of poets andthe hard realities of life, as well as the perseverance and passion it takes to stick to one’s 57 (belie) .Yung actors li Xiangning and Wang Bozhao, wh o nce 58 (star) in the film Pushing Hands,pla ved the leading roles in Poetry, which tells an inspirational story of 59 young construction workernamed Hailu o who dreams of becoming a poet. In the film, after saving 20, 000 yuan for living expenses,Hailu o leaves his job and begins a journey 60(change) his life. Ning, the director, hoped that moremoviegoers could enjoy the film and treated it as a reminder 61 poetry has the power to inspire andmove us, even62the face of adversity (困境) .The film quotes a large number of poems, some of 63 are suggestions provided by some poetryand drama organizations Poetry was filmed in 2020, when the entire world was facing a disturbingproblem. This 64 (natural) increased the difficulty of the shoot for both the cast and crew.But Ning said he was very 65(please) to see that poets are everywhere while making the film. Inhis eyes, a person who can feel the beauty of life and reflect that beauty in his heart can be a poet.


2.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Lunch break. B.Styles of music. C.Favorite band members.