



started to notice the rhythm of the no igh borhood. Id s. hellos with those in my block and start making smalltalk with my 5L. who I'd lived across the hall from for seven years without a word. 52, we developed a realfriendship.Jake was 2 when I adopted him I was to ld. In 5 be was between 4 and 6. Whatever had happened in his54 life left hm anxious and little trust in humans. But he came to trust me and his trust developed into somethingelse-that this 5 liale do g leamed to be loved, same as me.41.A. minuteD.sunsetB.hour C.walkB.relief C.creation#2.A.rom in der D.savedD.preparationB.adopted C.cured.A.loved D.donationB.recreation C.reception44.A. adoption D.banned45.A. rei ected B.protected C.separatedD.frequentlyC.rarely46.A. usually B.typically D.worstB.kindest C.coldest47.A. best D.trainingB. walkingC.feeding48.A. seeing D.smelledB.ate C.valued249.A.refused D.express0 A. exchange B.send C.accept51.A. cleaner B.neighborC.friendD.doctorD.Generally52.A. Clearly B.Occasionally C.Eventually53.A. truth B.time C.disguiseD.shock54.A.future B.previous C.later D.present55.A.shocked B.stressed C.refreshed D.scared


66.假定你是校学生会李华,上周校学生会组织开展了主题为“防灾减灾”的知识宣传图片展。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:(1)活动的过程;(2)活动的反响。注意:(1)写作词数应为80左右;(2)请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。A Photo Exhibition Of Disaster Prevention And Reduction



9.When did the man graduate from high school?In 2012.B. In 2018.8.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。 C.In 2021.听10.Which music does the man like to play most?A. Pop music.B/Rock music.11. What is the man’s strong point?t?$$C . T _ { 1 }$$r aditional music.pPlaying the piano. B.Singing. C.P


D36.. -Your father is sleeping. You'd bette____tthe radio.K, I will do it right away. thot.notdosthA. turn onC.ut of迟 D. turn of打开 B. depend on 044掉