



34. What does David Rou bach think is the biggest challenge nowA. Advertising wearable products.B. Recy eling materials from plastic pro duets.C. Keeping their technology highly expandable.D: Convincing shoe companies to make compostable shoes.

43.A.came up withB.got close to C.made use of D.took pride in44.A.advantages B.researches C.habits D.experiencesPara. 1:Today she showed up in a raincoat. ________________________Para. 2:Mom tried to cover me with the back of the raincoat again as a storm set in. ________________________



: What can be a suitable title for the text?A.The Chimpanzee Being Proved IntelligentB.The Awful Experience Washoe Once HadC.The Effects of Sign Language on Chimp anz cesD.The First Animal to Learn a Human Language


23. Which of the fol23. Which of the following is the best CA. New by Hall.B. Scarborough and Whitby.C. Old Mother Shipton's Cave. D. Lightwater Valley Theme Park.