




A.Visit Susanna. B.Goto see the movie. C.Do his own business.2.How does the woman feel about the zoo?A.Sad. B.Impressed. C.Disappointed.


20.Which can accurately describe Brian Kane's behaviour?A.Brave and hardworking. B. Unwise and pointless.C.Without common sense.



14.What happened to Arad hya in her previous scho al?A.She was locked in the restroom.B.She was overlooked by her ten chers.C.She was criticized for her performance.


35. A. big B.small C. green D.redpeople are in my 43. They’re my parents, my sister and me. am I no w? I’m inth classroom. Some books 45an English die tionary are on my desk. A pencil box is one 46, too. My pen pencil, eraser and my ID card are in the pencil boxBut I can’t 47my school bag now. A watch a baseball and a jacket are 48 it.Is it under my desk? No, it is n’t. Where is it now? I must find it. Please 49 me. Myphone is 333-4567 and my email address(地址) is mary 122 126.m. Thanks foryour help.p.41. A. map B. book C. name D. photo42. A. is B. are C. am D.be43. A. school B. family C. class D. computer44. A. Who B. How C.What D. Where45. A. or B. and C. but D./46. A. chair B. desk C. pen D. book47. A. meet B.help C. find D. know48. A. in B.at C. under D.on49. A. say B.ask C. help D. thank50. A. ring B.room C. number D. card