




A.To celebrate the 20th anniversary of China's first manned spaceflight.B.To conduct scientific experiments and technological verification in space.C.To develop long-term space residency capability.D.To rotate the crew in orbit with the Shenzhou -16 spacecraft.31.Which section of the newspaper may this passage come from?A.Entertainment.B.Technology.C.Finance and business. D.Culture.


3.What is Peter skilled in?A.Playing cards. B.Playing chess. C.Playing computer games.



50, I received a call from my professor telling me that I was selected weeks later. I'd have to51 some volunteer hours as required by the grant program, but the remainder of my collegeexpenses would be 52 .I hung up the phone with teary eyes. I couldn't believe my dream wasbecoming a 53.For another two years, I continued taking summer sessions. For the next eighteen years, Itaught in a primary school. It old students my 54 of how I achieved my dream all my life.If you're working on something that you really care about, you don't have to be 55. Thedream pulls you.41.A.transform B.pursue C.acknowledge D.confirm42.A.roles B.models C.conflicts D.stresses43.A.donate B.win C.lend D.spare44.A.unlimited B.sufficient C.tight D.balanced45.A.stepped forwardB.took off C.stayed up D.moved around46.A.be have B.amuse C.prove D.challenge47.A.disturbed B.restored C.achieved D.shifted48.A.relief B.concern C.curiosity D.resolution49.A.uniq he B.available C.related D.familiar50.A.Luckily B.Naturally C.Accidentally D.Undoubtedly51.A.manage B.skip C.invest D.recordst52.A.updated B.charged C.registered D.covered53.A.fantasy B.reality C.secret D.belief54.A.story B.adventure C.discovery D.theory55.A.motivated B.recognized C.pushed D.exposed


10.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Father and daughter.B.Teacher and student.C.Classmates.