




tendency explains why people take so long to choose between two options with roughly equalpayoffs. In the same way that we have difficulty distinguishing numbers that are nearly c qual invalue, we also have difficulty choosing between options that are roughly equally pleasant.However, there are doubts among people. Some think this seems not reasonable. If twochoices are equally appealing, then the decision should n't take so long. Some wonder whetherthis works in the opposite direction whether duration of decision-making implies that optionsare equal.When options are roughly equal, people tend to take a long time to decide. Does thisuggest that if people take a long time to decide, then options are roughly equal? Maybe in someinstances, the longer we take to make a decision, the less it matters what we actually choose.32.What's people's common practice in decision-making?A.They often rush a decision without much thinking.B.They seldom balance advantages and disadvantages.C.They only concentrate on their personal preferences.D.They tend to spend too much time on their options.



7.What will the man probably do next?A. Goto another place.B. Wait for a call.asil uoy turit adT AC.Check on the computer.