



A. For one night. B. For two nights. C. For three nights.7. Where will the man live?A.On the 2 floor.$$B . O n t h e 3 ^ { 1 8 } / l o o r .$$ $$C . O n t h e 5 ^ { i h } f o o r .$$

4. Where does the man ind the window cleaner?CA. In the yellow bottle.B. In the blue bottle with a red top.C. In the red bottle with a blue top.5. What is the matter with the man?A. He has a fever. B. He has a cough. C. He has a headache.



4.What might the man usually do at weekends?B.Write a report. C.Do the gardening.A.Walk the dog.5.Where is Steven probably?A.In the classroom.B.In the playground.C.In the library.


220. What is the purpose of Project Empathy?A. To get to know the homeless better.B.To offer the homeless a place to stay.C.To encourage others to help the homeless