




A3838. The best title of the passage is ____A. A Great Play Writer B. Characters of the PlaysC. Famous Plays of William Shakespeare(B)

BQian San qiang(1913—1992) was an outstanding scientist and is often called “The Fatherof Chinas Nuclear ProgramHe was the chief architect of China's nuclear engineering.When talking about his success, Qian said, “At all times and in all countries, theachievements of human beings are due to steady efforts, a down-to-earth styleand persistence(坚持不懈) .”Qian graduated from the Physics Department of Tsinghua University in 1936. In 1937,Qian was given a chance to study at the Radiological Institute of Paris University. In 1946. hewon a scholarship awarded by French Academy of Sciences. During his years of stud vingabroad, Qian was inspired by his love for the motherland and made many breakthroughs inscience.



33. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A. How to get a consistent record.B. How to compare different data.C.How to improve image quality.D.How to make the pixel change.34. What does the word “uptick”underlined in the last paragraph probably mean


32.What can be implied from the second paragraph?A.The pair invented the artificial leaf.B.Bionic leaf got its name from the invention developed by Nocera.C.The pair are concerned about energy sources in developing countries.D.Both bionic leaf and artificial leaf can change solar energy into gas fuel.