



25. What’s the pro hable reaction o people seeing the las t iters again?A.They feel at a loss. B. They cle as them again.C. They tend to remo we them. D. They're filled with strong feelings.

从每小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个可以填人空白处的最佳选项。B 1.---Why is this restaurant so popular among young people?----That’s because it does a lot of things to the customers'needs.____



33. Why is Vanuatu mentioned in paragraph 3?A. To explain the main reason for language density.B. To show the common features of endangered languages.C.To stress the impact of geographical position on migration.D. To illustrate the situation of minority language communities.


29. What can be learned about “runaway greenhouse”?A.It can be a deadly situation. B.It may appear in 250 million years.C.It must be an unavoidable fa et. D.It will force mammals to develop further.