




25. What did Allison do to serve her clients better?CA. She used the same coaching ways to teach them.B.She coached them according to their own needs.C.She tried her best to change their learning styles.D. She helped them overcome their challenges in life

DAlbert Einstein and Wol i gang Mozart are possibly the two most famousbly the two most famous examples of people whare gengeniuses(天才) . But unlike Mozart, Einstein wasnt very talented as a kid. Bo m in Cer many ina. he was slow to leam to speak, and he was a normal student at schol He was interested inmath and science, but he liked to study at home better. Later, he studied to be a teacher, but hea find a job in a school and for some years he was an of ice worker. A lt n’s mot offamous ideas were the result of study in his free time when he also played the violin to relax.From 1908, he was a university teacher for many years, first in Europe and then in the US. Hehe winner of the Noe Noble Prize in Physics in 1921. He was famous for his theory of relativity, buwas tonly sonly several scientists could understand it. His biggest dream was to find one explanideas in physics, but he died before this was possible.EEinstein died in a hospital in 1955. He was named“Person of the Century”in 1999 by TimeMagazine.M67. When EinsteinEinstein was a kid, he .____A. was a very lazy student B. liked to study at homeC. had no friends at school D. showed no interest in study



Which can best describe D r. Fauci?A.Devoted and caring. B.Determined and patient.C.Talented and humorous.D.Skilled and strict.


13.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a classroom. C.In a dormitory.B.In a cafeteria.