福建省2024年中考模拟示范卷 FJ(12345)英语试卷答案

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1、福建省2024年中考模拟示范卷 FJ(12345)英语试卷答案听力部分

29.What does the author convey to us in paragraph 2?A.France represents the global trend of high-speed trains.B.Japan is the last to build high-speed trains.C.China plans to make the highest-speed trains.D.China is rapidly developing high speed trains.

福建省2024年中考模拟示范卷 FJ(12345)英语试卷答案

everyone was dumbfounded(惊呆的) .The 53 then ran to fetch it to exam in how I'dcheated.“It's just the 54, ”he declared, holding it up and untying the knots.The adultsapplauded kindly and I felt proud.I had n't broken the rules, but I had broken the 55 idcas, which was the secret to____creative thinking.41.A.awakened B.cated C.enhanced D.spr cad42.A.students B.throwers C.runners D.tutors43.A.kilometers B.met crs C.in enes D.miles44.A.impossible B.essential C.unclear D.ab vious45.A.tied B.tried Chid D.laid46.A.unreasonableB.unemployed C.disqualified D.disappointed47.A.separated B.disappeared C. combined D.sank48.A. going off B.catching up C.geting awayD.running away49.A.baby B.kid C.genius D.adult50.A.casually B.gradually C.secretly D.extremely51.A.folded B.balled C heavy D.soft62.A. died B.rose C.cont nued D.doubled53.A.loser B.judge C.winner D.audience54.A.land B.rock C.grass D.handkerchief55.A.critical B.modern C.innovative D.conventional.第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

2、福建省2024年中考模拟示范卷 FJ(12345)英语试卷答案选择题部分

福建省2024年中考模拟示范卷 FJ(12345)英语试卷答案

35.【拔高题】What is the main idea of the text?A. Costal species are threatening the open ocean ecology.B. Life of ocean creatures is affected by human activitities.C. Marine species are becoming invasive and dangerous.D.Floating garbage becomes home to vertebrate species.

福建省2024年中考模拟示范卷 FJ(12345)英语试卷答案

32. What function is the biofilm expected to achieve?A.Updating wearable electronics.B. Acquiring power from evaporation.C. Changing the way of getting electricity.D. Supplying energy to“microbial batteries