




14.What was the woman surprised at?A.The lack of assistants.B.The condition of weather.C.The number of children.

7. ill the man do just after his leaving?A Havee a re st at home.B. Go o work as soon as possible.C. Return to the hospital regularly.听第7段材料,回答第8至0题。8. Where does the conversation take placeA. In the woman’s house.the man’s house.C.1Inla hotel.9. What iis the woman going to do next?A. Give the man the water.B. Make an apology.C. Check a room.does the man feel in the end?A. Saat is fied. B.Disappointed C.Surprised.



23. Who will be attracted to Chatham Lighthouse Beach?A. Yoga lovers. B.Pets owners..C.Bird watchers. D.Experienced surfers


A: Excuse me, can you help me? Im lost.B:Of course. 76.____?A:Id like to go to the art museum, but I cant find it. Is it far from here?B:77.____. It’s just about a fifteen-minute walk.A:78.____?B: Sure. Now, go along this stret and the n tum left at the first crossing into He ping S re et cstraight and then you'll see the art museum on your left. Got itA: Yes. 79.____? I’m too tired to walk there.B: Yes. You can take the No.5 bus. The bus station is over thereA: Could you please tell me how often the bus comes?B:80.