智ZH 河南省2024年中招模拟试卷(三)3英语试卷答案

智ZH 河南省2024年中招模拟试卷(三)3英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于智ZH 河南省2024年中招模拟试卷(三)3英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、智ZH 河南省2024年中招模拟试卷(三)3英语试卷答案听力部分

29.When is it especially important for you too talk with others?A.When you doubt others’uniqueness. 当你怀疑B.When you feel cut off from your family.C.When you are uncertain about your idea.D.When you have already made up your mind.C

智ZH 河南省2024年中招模拟试卷(三)3英语试卷答案

A. Salesgirl and customer.B.Passenger and driver. C.w nd husband4.Where does the conversatio m probably take place?A. In a bank B.In a department store.C. In a ticket office.5.When did the fire probably break out?

2、智ZH 河南省2024年中招模拟试卷(三)3英语试卷答案选择题部分

智ZH 河南省2024年中招模拟试卷(三)3英语试卷答案

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What happened to boats and ships in the Bermuda Triangle?A. They disappeared.B.They crashed into each other.C. They caught fire without reason.

智ZH 河南省2024年中招模拟试卷(三)3英语试卷答案

17. Why does the speaker's friend work at night?A. To make more money.B. To finish his work on time. C. To avoid heavy traffic.