



Today I would like to tell the story of a 10-year-old boy. Although he had los t his left armbecause of a car accident, he decided 21 judo(柔道) .The boy learned from an old Japanese judo teacher. He was doing very well. But afterthree months of training, he couldn't understand 22 him only one move.“Sir, ”the boy finally asked, “why don't you teach 23 mo re moves?”“This is theonly move you know, but it's the most useful move for you, ”the teacher replied. The boy still24 confused(困惑的) .But he believed in his teacher, so he kept on training.Several months later, the teacher took the boy to his first competition. To his surprise,he 25 won his first two games. The third game was more difficult, but he used his move____and reached the final.TThis time, the boy's competitor(对手) was 26 and more experienced. Everybodythough t he would lose the game except the teacher. Finally his competitor 27 by his moveand he won.28 their way home, the boy and his teacher reviewed the games. The boy asked,“Sir, how could I win the games with only one move?”“You won for two 29 , ” the teacher answered. “First, you have already learned one of the most difficult moves in judo Second,30 only act against that move for your competitors is to catch your eft arm.”C.study21.A.dream B.to dreamD to study22.A.why the teacher taughtB.how the teacher taughtD.how did the teacher teachC.why did the teacher teach23.A meB.IC.myD.mineB.feltC.feel24.A.feels D.easilyD.will feel

A.A ground-floor flat.B.A two-bedroom flat.C.A three-bedroom flat.9.What is included in the rent?A.Gas fee. B.Electricity fee. C.Water fee.



D.Making the world have greater stability.35.Which can serve as the best title for the news report?A.Why BRICS is recoveringB.History of BRICKS'developmentC. BRICS grouping major emerging economiesD.BRICS shines brighter after historic expansion


422.TTheunderlined sentence in last paragraph probably means that ____A. do as you do at home B.do as the native people doC. ask the native people to do it D.watch the native people doing it