



8.What was the woman advised to buy in Venezuela?A.Daily necessities.rlu oddB. Clothes.C. Gold jewelry.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

B. It is solid and inactive.C. It can be a clump of visible matter.D. It makes up a minority of the galaxy's mass.



19.What did the young lady do d ring the speaker's walk?A.She encouraged her.B.She walked with her. $$C _ { n }$$She helped her.


Prople often 50 to invite others into their homes. They think their house is not spacious, orthey don’t have enough time. Kristin's picnic table takes away the pressure and the excuse. 51byththe act, neighbors put a pie nic table in their ft ont yard too. A movement was 52.A decade after their Texas beginings, thousands of Turquoise Tables 53 in the country. Not.T Chriall of them are actually turquoise. Texas Christian University in Fort Worth has several purple tables tot is, it'sa friendship table, ” Kristin said.54 their team color.“No matter what 55 i5B.relatedC.moved D.applied41.A. admittedB.boughtC.missed D.held42.A. changedB.by luckC.by heart D.by mistake43.A. by choiceB.driver C.truck D.voice4.A. image45.A.ran outB.calmed down C.hung out D.slid down46. A. carefulB.worried C.curious D.happy47.A.joinB.callC.thank D.save48.A.wordB.wayC.mind D.ability49.A.terribleB.endlessC.familiar D.inviting50.A.expectB.learn C.hesitate D.offer51.A.InspiredB.Qualified C.Forced D.Trusted52.A.recorded B.registered C.born D.paid53.A.existB.fall C.matter D.agree54.A. ignoreB.mix C.hide D.match55.A grade B.color C.honor D.model第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)