




However, the splendor never came back again. After the Christmas, the servant dragged himout of the room, and up the stairs into the loftin a dark corner, where no daylight could enter.“If it only were not so dark here, and so terribly lonely, Not even a h are!”he sighed.“Theysurely stored me here for the next Christmas.”One day, the tree was pulled out and a m an drew him towards the stairs, where the daylightshone. Feeling the fresh air and the first sunbeam, now he was out in the courtyard. Seeing all thebeauty of the flowers and the freshness in the garden, he firmly believed he would be replantedthere.“Now a merry life will begin again, ”thought the tree, spreading out his branches only to findthey were all withered and yellow! When seeing the gardener getting close with an axe(斧头) , herecalled his first youth in the wood and sighed so deeply!Each sigh was like a shot.24.What can we know about the Fir Tree?A.He was willing to be a small tree.B.He was satisfied to be a Christmas tree.C.He was mad at the hare jumping over him.D.He was eager to be the tallest tree in the woods.25.Which word can best describe the Fir's feeling when pulled out into the courtyard?A.Hopeful. B.Lonely. C.Free. D.Anxious.


选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。( ) 11. When did Li Ming get up in the morning last Friday?C.7:20.A.6:40. B.7:0.



17.Which is about the journey made down the River Nile?A.The Secrets. B.Wi1 Ocean. C.Dinosaurs Alive.


5.Where will the speakers probably go?18A.The countryside.B. A historical site. C.A modern city.