



2. Why was the man surprised?A. The woman was late.B. The woman arrived early.C. The woman had to work overtime tonight.

16.What will Kate do this Tuesday?A. Have a birthday party.B Visit her grandparents.C. Go swimming.



2. When did the speakers arrive at the cafe?A. About 10:00. B. About 11:00. C. About 12:00.


space. Using his telescope to explore the universe, Galilei observed the Moon and proved the planetVenus moved around the Sun, which was against the Aristotelian theory that the Earth was the centre ofthe universe. In January 1610, he discovered four moon is moving around Jupiter. He also found that thetelescope showed much more stars than the naked eye(肉眼) could see. These discoveries were startling,and Ga lie i quickly produced Side re us Nunc i us, in which he described these amazing discoveries.Galilei's great contributions to our understanding of the universe include not only his discoveries,but also the methods he developed and the use of mathematics to prove them.24.Which subject was Galilei most interested in while he was at university?A.Medicine B.Physics C.Chemistry D.Philosophy