



29. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?A.Subscription services are increasingly popular.B.People are more likely to buy necessities online.C.Subscription services cause people to buy what they dislike.D.People often forget to cancel their unnecessary subscriptions.

22.What is particularly noticeable about Quebec's towns?s?A. Their walled city. B.Their cliff view. C. Their one-off dress shops. D.Their cobblestone streets



四个选项中选出最佳选项。第一节 (共15题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、DA4 Traditional French Christmas markets you need to know aboutMore affordable and closer than Germany and Austria French Christmas markets make a perfectdestination for a festive trip. These are the four traditional French Christmas markets you need to knowabout this Christmas.ToulouseDates: November 25, 203 December 25, 2023Opening times: Sunday to Thursday : 1.30am 8.30pm, Friday and Saturday : 1030am10pmThe market is located in the heart of Toulouse It's surrounded by beautiful buildings, including theCapitole it elf and the Jacobins church. The city is well-known for its terracotta architecture whichserves as an fairytale exterior to their Christmas marketColmar2023Dates: November 2422023 December 30.Opening times: Monday to Thursday: 2pm 7pm, Friday Saturday and Sunday: 10am7pmThe town's Christmas market is an ensemble (整体) of six distinct mini markets. The area is hometo a number of wineries and speciality (特产) wine-makers, alongside its seven speciality Alsatianwines, which can be tried at their speciality Christmas food market.ArrasDates: November 24, 23 December 30.22023Opening times:Monday to Friday midday 7.30pm, Saturday: 10am 9pm, Sunday: 10am-7.30pmThe market transforms the city's Grand Place into a wonderland taking over three squares with over


19.What is Leaf Linking Environment and Farming?A. An organizationB. A radio program.C. A countryside store.n.20.How did Annabel Shackleton feel about people's not goout into the country?