



27.Which can be a suitable title for the text?A.My lucky bamboo B.My wife and bambooC.The benefits of keeping bamboo D.The way to keep bamboo

( ) 56. National Archaeological Society needs volunteers to A. help the disabled____B.film a documentaryC. work on a historic site D.give educational reports



6.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates. B.Family members. C.Photographer and customer.


Kelsey Frey is the manager of education and outreach(外展服务) for York County Parks, part-time environmental educator for Lancaster County Parks, and runs her own business, Creative NatureWorks, in her spare time. Kelsey's passionate about many natural history topics, includingbutterflies, and landscaping with native plants.21.Who are most likely to attend the class?A.Art lovers. B.Outdoor fitness lovers.C. Volunteers fond of cooking D.Local people interested in nature.22.Which of the following can participants provide in exchange for the class?A.Second-hand clothes. B.Homemade tomato sauce.C.An unused honey pot. D.A newly bought notebook.