




31.It can be inferred from this passage that .____A.global food issue is so complex that there are no complete research data.B.sustainability and climate change are common problems in agricultural systems.C.some kinds of seaweed can make the amount of methane emitted by cattle ineffective.D.the sales of substitute dairy products increased, and the sales of dairy products decreasedaccordingly.


31. What can we learn from Anna Gress el'swords?A.A I tools should just be humans'assistants.B.The use of A I tools should be forbidden.C.A business should partner with a law company.D.Copyright concerns are unnecessary



6.Why does the man mention the bookstore to the womanA. To ask her to advertise her books.B. To advise her to buy books theree.C.To celebrate its tenth anniversary,


42. A. get by通过市过,勉强混B. get down写人经下C.get around在开四处D.get up43. A. unexpectedly B.directly C.unwillingly D.secretly44. A. salary B.discountC.word D.gesture45. A. nothing B.something C.anything D.everything46. A. exists B.disappears C.decreases D.differs47. A. office B.state C.street D.village48. A. travel B.trade C.survive D.suffer49.A.flexible B.convenient C.adventurous D.stressful50. A. afford B.collect C.accept D.request51. A. in short B.in turn C.in store D. in place52.A.bankers B.managers C.customers D.officials53.A.embarrassed B.amazed C.inspired D.confused54. A.order B.performance C. movement D.culture55. A.forbid B.remind C.force D.permit第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)