




4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a bank. B.In a department store.C.In a ticket office.5.When did the fire probably break out?A.At about 7. B.At about 8.C.At about 9.


how far I had come. My life has been 50A.us B.used得分 评卷人Ⅶ.完形填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。peinterest is "in their blood", or that it comes naturally to them. But for me that's completely not the same.Failure is not the end but giving up is. I have always 41 this point of view. Some people say their 42Though I love to dance very much, I've never been a naturally good 43. When I started taking hip hophad done in half the time. I often felt very 44, because I couldn't seem to get my body to 45my mind.class as a kid, I had to practice for hours after class every day just to do the same moves that the other kidsAAfter a few years of this, I 46 I had tried hard enough. I felt broken-hearted and wanted to give upra eadancing. Until my 47had a talk with me, she encouraged me to work hard. One day s he told me thatI got a 48for a dance alone at our next public show! I couldn't 49 m y ears. Until then did I realizechanged since then. I felt I was doing better and better in



B.Unlock more job opportunitiesC. You'll encounter new ideas and challengesD.Or you can get right into a favorite subjectE. College is about much more than just course workG.F. College opens doors for you that high school doesn'tG. College helps students develop into responsible and independent adults


12.What does the woman say about the one-hour lesson?A.It costs too much. B.Its teachers a re strict.C.It is too long for kids