



35.Where is this text probably taken from?A.A science magazine. B.A brochure.C.A chemistry textbook. D. An advertisement.


25.Why is Medina fit to be the ambassador according to Clay Smith?ld assA. She is able to relate to children.B. She is gifted at writing.C. She takes good care of children.D. She knows a lot of authorss.A



29. What can we infer from Scholz's words in the third paragraphA. Dr veloping countries has no right to achieve modernity.B. China has the equal right and claim to seek more r nity.C. The workers in German has more opportunities than others.D.The course of globalization will fa var developed countries more.


34. Why does the author say the creatures living in A I world will become increasingly unlike us?A.They will not be able to understand themselves as we can do today.B.They will lose what their ancestors were proud of about themselves.C.They will lose the most significant human element of being intelligent.D.They will no longer possess the human characteristic of being unpredictable.