



33.—It's time to clean our room now.—OK. I'll wake Alex up. He since an hour ago.____A.falls asleep B.fell asleep C.has fallen asleepD.has been asleep

75. We should realize that the information posted on (社交媒体) may not be________entirely true.



4. How does the man like the movie?A. It's frightening. B. It's fantastic. C. It’s boring.


第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A,BC和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。I called my friend Shannon. She’s the one 1 My son had just tured five. My husband and I were41as to which school to sennd himto. We started 42 and visiting schools. Sill, we feltabout which school to choose. Soe I lean o most when I struggle with parenting44gone through all th45 I’m still going through.Having a s on ten years older than mine, she’s goneit to two chic es, both good schools. Your lolove and47“Jeanette, I know you have 46 Shannon saidI wasroc ery49ht g r 51stuck betweenen two cans of beans. One can was t we ayay cents less than the other. It finaly hi ly..”in your kid's life is more important than the48 about which school to attend, " Shan nd, worried about my 50, "I remember when I was doing some late-nightHONOR X30er can of beans showed my care for the family.8页)