



17. Who went along with the speaker to attend the cooking class?A. Her sister. B. Her cousin. C..Her mother.

6. What is the woman doing?A. Showing the man around.B Checking into a he telC. Introducing her house.



Remember that running outdoors is different from running indoors on a treadmill. In thewinter, you may run more on the treadmill. Treadmills are a soft surface. When the winter is overand you want to run outdoors again, you need to give your body enough time to get used to theoutdoors again . 38 ____Wear the right shoes.Avoid wearing bad running shoes with worn-out material. If the material is already worn out,____it can no longer provide you with the support your feet need for running . 39 Also, makesure you choose the right shoes shoes designed specifically for the challenges of running.Stay patient and work for results.However hard you train, you won't see results overnight. You need to be patient . 40____Take your time to make progress and expect challenges.A.Break your old habit.B.Know your speed.C.A pair of good shoes can do wonders.D.Replace old running shoes immediately.E.A change of scenery can also improve their feeling.F.Don't expect your desired results to happen quicklyG.Give your body time to get used to different surfaces.


A.$400. B.$1,500. $1,900.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The working hours. B.Their working problems. C1The heavy traffic.