



Steve is my best friend. He usually lives in London, but now he is in California.Steve's parents are working in California 73. ASteve sends me emails every day. This is one of the emails: “Hello, John. I’m hav-in g a break(休息) between classes, My clas mates are doing different things. Some arestudying and some are reading. 74. Some girls are singing songs. I am taking____photos of everyone.”I like to know about Steve's life at school.75.(____I miss him a lot. We can not meet often, but it's OK because we oftensend emails. 76.CWe also use social media(社交媒体) to send photos. I likeknowing about California because there are so many differences between California andLondon.77.BMy parents say I can go and visit Steve this summer. I am veryexcited about that!

26. How was the author’s first marathon?B. He quit halfway.A.He made it.D. He walked to the end.C. He got the first prize.



听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Which type of theater is newly promoted?A.The Re al 4D. B.The Dolby Cinema. C.The IMAX Cinema.


10.What is the purpose of the new system?B.For special incomes.C.For readers'safety.A.For better protection.