




11.What position is probably the company advertising?A.Engineering staff.B.A marketing manager.C.A customer service representative.


( ) 48.Henry's birthday party is on____A.Saturday morning B.Saturday afternoonC.Sunday morning D.Sunday afternoon



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I had a chance meeting the other day. I was 41 a local convenience store when a 42 called outto me. It was my friend, Rod. And we went into the store together. We had first 43 in kindergarten andhe had been one of my best friends all through grade school, high school, and into college.Although fun-loving and free-spirited(无拘无束的) , Rod had gotten me into 44 more than oncegrowing up. He had also been a fountain(源泉) of laughter and good cheer and my childhood had been somuch 45 with him in it. He moved away to find 46 and it had been at least 30 years since I last sawhim. Now we are talking, trying to 47 3 decades in a few minutes . I also 48 something strange abouthim. He looked in a word:“OLD”449 should be told that he looked much better than me. He was thinner and fitter. He had fewer50. At the same time, his 51 was thicker and had a lot less gray than mine. 52 whenIget to see mywn daily deterioration(退化) in the 53 each morning my picture of Rod was stuck 30 years in the past.We said goodbye and 54 each other well and I went home feeling both young and old at the same time.55 where the last 30 years had gone and I remembered those joyous childhood 56 like they wereyesterday. It was very 57.I think that chance with Rod was n't 58 so accidental after all. It was another little reminder to 59each moment this life gives you every day. Until then I will do my best to stay young inside, and to 660my love with everyone. May you do the same.41. A. stealing B.entering C. leaving D.managing42. A. teacher B.dog C. woman D.voice43. A. played B.quarreled C. met D.chatted44. A. trouble B.money C.use D.pleasure45. A.better B.angrier C.softer D.harder46. A. way B.workC. money D.food47. A. catchup B.keep on C. set off D.fall down48. A. acquire B.notice C.spot D.quit49. A. Faith B.LifeC.TruthD.Success


(____)) 27.-Why do you look up to Gina so much?-Because she can always her dreams.____e sB.talk back C.look upeeD. stick to