



29. How does Collins explain the findings in paragraph 33?A.By citing experts'words. B.By presenting questions.C.By illustrating concepts. D. By making comparison.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)For some time, I had been阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。的最had been walking into walls. I often hit my forehead athe 45 that it would ________Ihat it would happen again if I did nothing.astheremy forehead against something. As soon“Ire was a swelling(肿块) on my 41, my friend Hannah would tell me, “It's turning purpleI can’t 42 it, ”I replied.“I hate it because it shows my 43.”“I know, ble,____ know, but your foreheadreally looks awful, ” she said, concerned about my 44 . But I was concerned about my inner fear andduand each crack(裂缝) in a sidewalk became a 47 to me, bI became blind after a terrible accident, and I knew this was a big 46 for me. Each staircase____seC



29. Which statement about cultural diversity does Elish ka Correa probably agree with?A. It prevents social advance. B. It makes it easy to hire people.C.It can help business growth. D.It can put an end to the conflict.


听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10. Where does the conversation take place?C. In an apartment.A. In a classroom.BB. On the beach