




The next morning, when Dave and his mom got to the park, about thirty kids had already50. Dave headed for the start line 51 Mom found a seat at the finish line.rider after another and was approaching Adam. Leaning forward, Dave pedaled harder and faster.54 he sped by Adam and crossed the finish line.As the announcer awarded Dave the medal and the check for fifty dollars, he asked, “What areyou going to do with the prize mom ey, Dave?”“It'sa 55 , ”Dave said and waved to his mom.41.A.picture B.spot C.keep D.prefer42.A.desperately B.definitely C.seldom D.never43.A.criteria B.ends C.budgets D.expenses44.A.junkyard B.port C.school D.court45.A.enter B.lose C.win D.abandon46.A.throwing away B.going through C.carrying out D.bringing back47.A.advanced B.unique C.right D.fancy48.A.hired B.used C.purchased D.recycled49.A.contributions B.discoveries C.profits D.changes50.A.rode B.separated C.gathered D.recovered51.A.while B.but C.so D.or52.A.held back B.concentrated onC.gave in to D.broke away from



____77.The Student Union has made a for the activity which will be held in our school.