




16.已知函数f(x-1) =log: ,$$f \left( x - 1 \right) = \log _ { 2 } \frac { 2 x - 4 } { 4 - x }$$ 若f(m)=a,则$$f \left( x \right) = \frac { 2 x } { - 3 }$$2×2}&{3} f(4



BI'm lisa. Here is a phot o f my bedroom (卧室) .It's big and bright(明亮的) .Th walls(培are pink. A map of China ion the wall. A desk is next to the blue bed. The other bed is pintWhat’s on the desk? A pen and some books are on the desk. They are i mine. They are my sister.Sara's. She is eleven years old. We share (分享) the same bedroom.T like white and blue, but Sara's favorite color is pink. The blue bed is mine, and te pink one ishers. These white clothes are nine and her clothes are pink. Whose are those shoes? The white onesare mine and hers are pink.A What is on the wall of Lisa's bedroom?-4D.Nothing.A. A map. B.A picture C. Some books.55.Whose are the pen and the books?A.Lisa's. B. Sara's. C. Lisa's friend's.D.Lis dsaand Sara's.56.Which is NOT trule(正确的)?