



2.What has the man been busy doing?A.Cleaning his room. B.Meeting with his friends.C. Practising basketball.


A. Salesgirl and customer.B.Passenger and driver. C.w nd husband4.Where does the conversatio m probably take place?A. In a bank B.In a department store.C. In a ticket office.5.When did the fire probably break out?



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Hi folks,As you know, I'ma great fan of the Chinese actor Stephen Chow, and recently I watched his____movie A Chinese Odyssey Part 2: Cinderella again.For those 56 aren't familiar with the________movie, it focuses 57 the stories of the Monkey King, who is in charge of protecting a monk____________on a journey 58 (find) Buddhist scriptures (佛经) . In this movie, the Monkey King gains a________deeper understanding of love and 59 (responsible) . Seeing the movie again 60 ________(make) me want to learn more about the original story of the Monkey King. I got 61 copy________of it from the library and now I'm halfway through reading it. As it turns out, he is the main character____ ____in a novel 62(call) Journey to the West. Indeed, the Monkey King is one of the oldest andbest-loved fictional characters in China, and he 63 (consider) a superhero.________In many ways, the movie is quite different from the novel. It is a moder retelling of the novel thatincludes time travel and a tragic love story. The novel, on the other hand, is full of poetry, Buddhist____philosophy, and all kinds of crazy 64 (adventure) ! Once I've finished the book, I will write____________another post to tell you 65 (much) about this classic Chinese story.


58. Which is NOT right(正确的) ?A. The three students are good friends.B. Eric los t his keys in the library.C.The English teacher's phone number is 568-4239.D. Jim and Eric each(各) have a (CD player.