




阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Last night my husband and I were walking when we saw a man bending over on theground, crushing(碾碎) something with a rock. Hewas so 41 his tasktha t he didn't lookup at anyone passing by. We kept 42 him and wondered what he could be doing. Ithough t he was crushing stones to make something, but why would he do that?Finally, we decided to go up and ask him. He was crushing pieces of leftover(剩余的)bread th a t he had collected to 43 food for the birds that come there early in the morning.The large pieces of bread would be difficult for the birds to eat 44 he crushed them into____powder(粉末) . Every afternoon, after coming home from his 45 as a tailor, he 46the villas(乡间别墅) , collecting leftover bread from all his 47. He then eats a quick meal

29.What does the underlined word“retreat”mean in paragraph 5?A.Hide. B.Leave. C.Volunteer. D.Relax.



5. What’s the man doing?A. Accepting an invitation.B. Asking for leave. C. Offering help.


15.What new activities can the children have this year?A.Fun programs. B.Adventure sports.C.Creative classes.