



27.What does the text intend to show us through Spielberg's experiences?A. The power of music. B. The value of music.C.ler musical life. D. Her musical talent.

A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Windy.4.What is Mary doing?A.Writing a report. B.Calling the police. C.Reading a newspaper.



听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10.Why does the woman find the study hard?A.The poems are about some difficult topics.B.She has to compare poems across languages.C.She lacks knowledge about different cultures.


The program has 54 more than 2.5o k idmore than 2.500 kids. For Ball and his team, working with these populationstcan be demanding at times, but he s nid it’s55 o do it.D. ignoredCsacrificed41. A. supplied B. experienced D. belonged toC. joked with42. A. learned about B. looked for D.expectedC. permitted43. A. forced B. invited D.regularC. positive44. A. tough B. strange D. on board45. A. in time B. on purpose C. in needD.delays46. A. books B. controlsC. offersD. as harned47. A. embarrassed 1B. disappointed C.surprisedD. answer48. A. concern B. love C. goalD.repeating49. A. doubting B. admiring C. sharingD. view50. A. part B.trip C.originD. trained51. A. confirmed B. called C. followedD. tirelessly52. A. slowly B. freely C. sadly53. A. agreements B. directions C. question isD.feelings54. A. benefited B.missed C. honoredD.reported55. A.awkward B. pointless C. abnormal D. worthwhile