



7.What can be inferred from what Gerald Meehl said?A.Carbon dioxide will become a rare gas in the future.B.The climate will become increasingly better in the future.C.Reducing the release of greenhouse gases can help limit extreme climate.D.The small amount of carbon dioxide in the air won't cause serious consequences.C.You had better stay at home instead of going outD.Therefore, avoid touching your face while shoppingE.As a result, you should wear a mask when you go shoppingF.Moreover, try to maintain a safe, six-foot distance from other shoppersG.Before you head out to one, you need some guidelines to ensure your safety


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B,C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Christmastime is generally thought of as joyful . But 40 years ago, it was a 41 timefor my wife, Geri, and me. Both of us were about to lose our 42 . I was an educator andGeri was a psychologist. To make matters 43 , we had loans(贷款) on two house s at atime when interest rates hovered(徘徊) at 16%, We wanted to 44 one o f our houses, butthe sale 45 at the last minute.____A place to call 46 looked extremely hopeless for us. Yet we 47 to celebrateChristmas in our new house before we faced the terrible 48 of becoming homeless. So wedid something crazy:We 49 a Christmas tree.



7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Teacher and student. B.Classmates. C.Family members.


26. What made Switzer overcome the emotional and physical difficulty?A.The pride in being an athlete.B.The belief to fight for equality.C. The encouragement from others.D.The determination to win the race.27. What does the underlined phrase“blazed a trail”in the last paragraph probably mean?A. Led the way.B.Won the honor.C.Struck a balance.D.Rode out a storm.