



1. Which river has the second-largest discharge in the world?A.The Finke River. B.The Amazon River.C.The Ganges River. D.The Congo River.

D.As a wayto explain language change through the ages..What’s the function of emoticons g to the text?acc orrepresent a smiling face. Too express intentions.C. To communicate feelings. D. To set the tone.335. What’s the author's at tude towards social media language?A. Unclear.Zum B. Skeptic a怀品 C.Oppose 反 D. Approving



friends on the Inte met. Sometimes she by s things such as 67. and clothes on the Inter ef.____She also watches many 68.. She bays that it's 69.____ ____. for her to leave (离开) thecomputer.She loves the computer. Because it makes 70. life so interesting.____


27.Which of the following words can best describe Kellogg?A. Modest and caring. B. Creative and talentedC. Adaptable and kind-hearted. D. Demanding and hard-working.