




第三部分第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。We were designing a wheelchair for the engineering course. Based on my experience, I believedsteel once worked at a bike shop; 48teel would be too 41 and aluminum(铝) would be lighter. But the student who insisted on using42I didn't know better, having used 43 only for crafts(手工艺) . A few days later, when the steel wheelchair arm kept 44 because of its weight, I felt I hadbeen 45.I liked crafting, but when I took engineering in college, I put this 46 a side because I didn’t____to my academic work. I t old myself engineering adequately fed my creative sidethinthink it was dn’t 48 tthe hobby.LL


Prople often 50 to invite others into their homes. They think their house is not spacious, orthey don’t have enough time. Kristin's picnic table takes away the pressure and the excuse. 51byththe act, neighbors put a pie nic table in their ft ont yard too. A movement was 52.A decade after their Texas beginings, thousands of Turquoise Tables 53 in the country. Not.T Chriall of them are actually turquoise. Texas Christian University in Fort Worth has several purple tables tot is, it'sa friendship table, ” Kristin said.54 their team color.“No matter what 55 i5B.relatedC.moved D.applied41.A. admittedB.boughtC.missed D.held42.A. changedB.by luckC.by heart D.by mistake43.A. by choiceB.driver C.truck D.voice4.A. image45.A.ran outB.calmed down C.hung out D.slid down46. A. carefulB.worried C.curious D.happy47.A.joinB.callC.thank D.save48.A.wordB.wayC.mind D.ability49.A.terribleB.endlessC.familiar D.inviting50.A.expectB.learn C.hesitate D.offer51.A.InspiredB.Qualified C.Forced D.Trusted52.A.recorded B.registered C.born D.paid53.A.existB.fall C.matter D.agree54.A. ignoreB.mix C.hide D.match55.A grade B.color C.honor D.model第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



35.What may the researchers probably agree with?A. The planet is at risk of being destroyed.B.Ocean pollution is more serious than before.C.Green hreen house gas reduction is urgently needed.D.About half of the oceans have turned green.


5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The working hours. B. Their working problems.C. The heavy traffic.