



32.What's the aim of mentioning a retired couple?A.To stress their wealthy background.B.To advertise to sell a 3D-printed house.C.To introduce the topic of the 3D printing.D.To explain their reason for moving the 3D-printed house.


17. Why does the speaker's friend work at night?A. To make more money.B. To finish his work on time. C. To avoid heavy traffic.



C13. How does Tim feel about his job at the supermarket?A. Pleased. B. Encouraged.C. Dissatisfied.


17BLos Angeles residents Joe Blackstone and Jamie Mohn have long recognized the lastingimpact story eling can have on a child's ife. Sh orly after geting married, the couple beganvolunteering to read books to elementary school kids. Then, when they became parents themselves.they created the J 3 Foundation to help organizations devoted to children’s growth. But afterlearning two-thirds of fourth graders who can not read effectively end up on welfare, Blackstoneand Mohn decided to take a more hands-on approach: in 2018, they launched J 3’s Cozy ReadingClub.