



4.What will the man bring to the woman?A.Her dictionary. B.His school paper. C.A school bag.

Ⅶ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Our families lived more than 450 miles away, so a few weeks before Thanksgiving one year, myhusband and I decided to invite a guest over for the holiday. It was so far, so I 41 a senior center(老年中心) and they suggested Doris a woman I imagined would be quiet, but I was 42.Doris was 78 years old. She always 43 time in the senior center. She was always talking and full ofenergy all the time. On Thanksgiving Day, we were invited to a party by the woman. By the end of theparty, we felt that this 44 old lady was like our old friend. The more time I stayed with Doris, the moreshe became like my grandma . I soon became her 45 driver for free.Six months after we met, her only child Ralph died because of a car accident. I 46 Doris was too sadto be left alone and helped her.A few months later, her doctor told me she had caught a serious illness. During the next few days, I 47her in the hospital. On a rainy morning. Doris passed away. I couldn’t cry out 48 I was too shocked.The next morning after Doris 49, her lawyer (律师) told me she left me 50, 000 dollars. I knew Icouldn’t spend the money on myself. I would give the money to the charity in her name because Doriscared about children 50.Over the next twenty years, many families received the money and sent their children to better schools.( )) 41. A. showed B.called C. visited D. touched( ) 42.A.outgoing B. right C. wrong D.differentⅧ.阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAn Interview in the Health and Swimming ClubRecently, more and more people go to the health and swimming club. A person who takes exercisewill kekeep fit and confident. Today I went to the club for an interview. Let’s take a look at what they said.Gim a: I ike running. I go to the club and run for forty minutes after work every day. I listen to softie while running. I think it makes my mind relax.musicBert: Last summer, I learned to swim with my best friend together. We came here to swim threeBert We pratice d hard for nearly half a year to take part in the swimming competition fromJanuary Ist to 3rd.Maria: I enjoy yoga Yoga keeps my body strong and flexible (柔韧的). It can improve breath.It may also give us a peaceful mind.a m a deaner. I work in this chub. I like to stay here. I like to clean the loo r and all the sportsequipment(器械) here.At the same time, I also do some sports without paying any fees (费用) in myfree time.( )) 51. Why does Gina like listening to of t music when running?A. It makes her excited. B. It makes her feel relaxed.C. It makes her happy. D. It makes her breathe better.( )52.) 52. Who ook part in a competition last winter?A. Gina. BB. Maria. C.Bert. D. Matt.



18.What was the main goal of Project Skylark?A.To create a system for healthcare.B.To open up possibilities in finance.C.To teach a machine to identify different birds.


9. How was the weather in New York most of the time when Julie was theree?ABA. Hot. B.Mild C. Cloudy.