



always playedA5 a Sonday night schools around Cincinnati g or the followingou46 people to we aMonday of. My school even organized a spirit week. The event47orange and black.black and orange every day of the weck. Even the headmastershohouldthe Super Bowl is over my friends at school still argue over who shouldwin a football game 1 still hear them 49 football in the hallways. The Be nga is didnot win the final match s hut I have truly be en able to experience the 50 ofrican football. A. placesD. events2. A. busytsB. concerts C. accidentsD. terribleB. popularr Cstrangege) 3. A. foot hallD.ping-pongB. basketball C. tennis4. A. somethingB. anything C. nothing. A. onhD. everythingB. inD.withC.byA. ene our agedB. showed C. taughtD.rememberedA. wore B. paint C.sold D. collect18. A. Because B.Although C.Before D.Unless19.AA. turn on B. look after C.talk about D. worry about0. A.size B. shape C.price D. culture得分


18.Who helped the speaker practice speaking?A.His teacher. B.His classmate. C. A drama actor.



听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How did the woman most probably go to Middleville?B.By air.A. By car.C. By train.


30. ?____-Yes, please. I want a T-shirt.A. Can I help you B. What do you wantC.Can you help me D. Do you buy a T-shirt