



20.What does the speaker usually do between 10:00 pm and 10:30 pm?A.He takes a bath. B.He listens to music. C.He does his homework.


AgWhy is No man chosen as an alternative?A.He is familiar with the project.B. He is good at making a speech.C. He pays attention to details.



So for me it was a n early night to sleep. And I couldn t hed I couldn’t he lp but think, do we 49 electricityhatt nigh r, losing our lec tricity felt like losing a basie 50 as base as uning water.But really, electricity is a l usury (奢侈品) that we've grown to 5 for gr asi s inty allthe time, even when it's not really necessary I use it to 52 my phformy phone when I have to wait for evenjust a minute, for example when waiting for friends.overuse of electricity is a big 53 It contributes to global warming, which is somethingthat we really should be worried about. It is harming our environment and we need o what we canto stop it. How would we 54 in a world without electricity? Cuttingy? Cutting back on our use of electricitywould save energy resources so that they could last for longer . I know 55 that can cut down on myuse of electricity.41. A. occasionally B.happily C.urgently D. apparently42. A. silence B. bitterness G darkness D. astonishment43. A. e alling B. charging C. controlling D.existing44. A. set B.put C.get D.fix45. A. friend B. assistant C. electrician D.neighbour46. A. electricity B.expectation C. recognition D. facility47. possible B.frequent C. important D.general48. A. fail B.work C. leave D.appear49. A. look on B.hold on C. live on D.depend on50. A. regulation B.necessity C. intensity D.system51.A take B.make C. control D.become52. A. keep B:check C.read D. search53. A. challenge B.temptation C. question D.problem54.A. survive B.succeed C.supply D.sacrifice55. A. after all B.at times C.for sure D.with easeat er a


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