



19.What did the speaker like to do in the afternoon in England?A.Have a cup of tea.B.Watch comedy shows.C.Play with his friends.20. What did the speaker find amazing in England?A.The TV program.B.The tea shop. C. The old buildings.

13. Where is the magazine?A. On the sofa.B. On the desk.14. What does the woman advise the man to do?C.0n+he kite b cent anale



5.Which sport does the woman dislike?A.The high jump.B.The long jump.C.The 800-me ter race.


main points in mind.When listening to the recording, do not expect to find all or even most grammar or vocabulary mistakes. ________20 After the first recording, record yourself telling the same story at least once more and take note of yourprogress. But avoid memorizing your speech.A.Put your speech into written or typed form.B.The goal of giving such information is not to fill the time.C.I walked into the library and thought about where I should sit.D.That is because it forces you to think about your ideas as you say them.E.Choose a place that you know well, like your home or a nearby bus station.F.But you can easily find some mistakes, such as wrong verb and noun endings.G. Storytelling frees you from forming complex ideas and lets you speak easily in English .