



The are Dng, 56 years old, was not known by many people until China 33-33 the1 spaceship in October 2021. The story of the veteran(老兵) who always stuck to hiss eam and 34as a backup for years moved manany.. in a farming 35 in China's Jiangxi province, Deng, the eldest son in the family, has6 brothers and sisters.As a hard working student, Deng 37 thePLA Air Force in Juneos nd sent to a fighter jet regiment(战斗机团) in Jilin province in November 1987. Deng was38as one of the 14 astronaut candidates (侯u人) in 1998.In ho follow in e ve ars, Deng spent almost all t his time training and has 39 more effort toet a chance to flv into space. No matter 0 difficult the road to spaceflight(飞行) iis, Deng neverthought of giving up.( ) 31.A. quickly B.finally C.clearly D. exactly( ) 32. A. drivers B.musicians C.astronauts D.writers( ) 33. A. sep: B.made C.discovered D.raised( ) 34.A horro w B.tricked C.controlled D.served( ) 35.A hometown B.family C.factory D.neighborhood( ) 36. A.rc her B.healthier C.vo n ger D.happier( ) 37.A. joined B.treated C.connected D.left( ) 38. A.chosen B.driven U.divided D.covereden( ) 39.A. left out B.cut cff C.taken up D.putin( ) 40. A. what B.v hen C.where D.howB

Where do you think Fiji is?A.Ncar the se a. B.Far from Japan. C.To the north of Japan.8.Which is not included in what Martha did in Fiji?A.Swimming. B.Fishing. C.Playing on the sand.听第7段材料,回谷第9至11题。



阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Since the creation of the Rubik's Cube(魔方) in the 1970s, we 56(creative versions. The newest edition is n't special in size or 57____(find) manny____(appear) .Like thestandard cube, itbe, it has six sides, nine squares on each side, and the typical six colors you'dt haexpect 58(see) . It’s also a little over a couple square inches in terms of size.But unlike your common Rubik’s Cube, this one isnt made of regular plastic. Instead,it's made of 100-percent recycled plastic, so it 59(name) Rubik’s Re____it'spackage box is eco-friendly, possessing白e-Cube. Even 660 61 an FSC certificationing unbleached(未经漂白的) paperboard, naturalpacingredients【24仿真模拟·英语(四)第7页(共8页)


听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Improving job skills.B.Taking school classes.C.Planning a vacation.