




20.What may the study lead to?A. Much more parenting time with babies.B.A greater demand for experienced babysitters.C.An increase in family-based day care centers.

12.When will the man leave the hotel?A.On Tuesday this week. B.On Tuesday next week. C.0n Thursday next week.



19.What should a member do to get the first free session?A.Take part in all social events.B.Pay $170 a year in total.C.Book in advance.20.What does the speaker mainly talk about?


请阅请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从下面方框内的七 个选项中选择五个填人空白处,使对话通顺、合、理,意思完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。一空一句。(Annie and Tony are i al king about the films. Tony=T, Annie=A)T:Annie! I tried to phone you on Saturday afternoon, but your phone was off.A:Sorry, To ny! 78T:Oh, so what did you do?A::79 0AEGBT:What was the film?-1A:An old one from many years ago called Blue Lions. 80T:Don't you prefer funny films? ng in it.81A:Well, my favorite film ever is hed Boy, which actually is n't funny and has nothing am aT:Oh, I haven't seen it.A:82 I think i’ better to see films on a big cinema screen.T:I think so.