




roots, which combines the essence of both calligraphy (书法) and sculpture and encourages generations58. (study) , to appreciate and to collect.____Seals are believed to come out as early as 8, 000 years ago after our ancestors could make pottery____wares and had private 59. (thing) . They tried to make marks on their own possessions toprevent them 60. being stolen. When the first dynasty was found, the king____61.(begin) to use seals to power and to show royal credits (赏识) .Only the king's____special seal 62.(call) “Xi", representing the highest authority at that time.The first____emperor of China, Q in Shi Huang, had 63.(he) “Xi”made out of the invaluable and____beautiful jade “Hes hi Bi".Then the local goverments also need d seals the same function. Meanwhile, private seals werecarved in a 64. (vary) of lucky characters and vivid animal patterns. 65.____ ____(gradual) , the s phrag istics (印章学) came into being.

64. What didn’t the volunteer do during the activity?duA. Fed some disabled pandas. B. Made panda’s favorite food.C. Take care of elderly pandas. D.Clean up pandas space



B.Wearers choose different colors for different situationsA. It then became the national clothing of e H an ethnic peopleal dyny nastiesC. It was constantly improved throughout several dynastiest styld thD. The most popular style is the jacket with skirt styleseE. This name came from the overseas ChineseF. The decorations are simpler tooG.It is a type of men's jacket第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


听第10段材料,回答第18至20题18.Why does the human body move during sleep?A.To give the body a rest.B.To make muscle active.C.To let the body repair and recover.