




uture.12. What do we know about the woman?A.She is easy to be tired.B.She often feels nervous.C. She finds exercise is a good way to relax.Maasddhuo brlal iol nie

12. What does the woman suggest doing?A.Pa ying the bill online. B.Changing the car. C.Taking a taxi home.



34. Which of the following can best describe the feeding program?A. Impractical. B. Significant. C. Complicated.D. Time-consuming


I became interested in sports over time.through____I'm a. Where there is him, there is full of laughter (欢笑) . He always helps me getNIm a quiet boy. When I stay with strangers (陌生人) , I always feel uncomfortable. 54..through the hard and sad times in my life. He tells me that everything is on the way. He is outgoing. But____you.谊) will last fot ever. 55.Now we are in different schools, but we still play together on weekends. I believe our friendship(友____.. What is a true friend? A true friend helps bring out the best in