




eye -openingMagne managed. ~43势) . Aftercompleting ____feat(壮举) by using an over hand grip and a conventional stance(站立姿successful lockout(硬拉锁定) , Magne also walked a few steps forward while stillholding the bar in the uprightpositionn.. Magne thenpl9800the fully loaded bar on the rack(架子) andtook a few deep breaths.But that'sor y. The feat is impressive, because it reflects a lot of dediver ance, and48 coatagee 47fulls toe-postedMagne's feat has attracted attention because of a videon social networks that mentions there asOn why he wanted to reach that ____50goa(Magne's wifesursfona physical disability, so52strongertrasetedtocan give her the help she needs to continue to live at home, and not behome The post doesn' on te edetails53 eOem S-ing home. I he post doesnt enter inn to____,but anyonephysically disabled will understand immediately the kind ofneedlsas known someone who is nd56 he's thinking about: being able to lifther and physically1po倍her to help her ba the, dress, perhaps get in and out of a wheelchair, etc.Magne's has inspired many people because it shows the strength of the love in this marriage.Magne is taking his wedding vows(誓言)Seiguslyloving andtakingcae09fe in sickness and in health, inyouth and in old age.D41. A. treasure B.cakes C.cards D.presentsC 442. A. ranking B.weighing C.scoring D.breaking

15. Why does the man fail to find any copies of Pride and Prejudice?A. They were burned. C.They were sold outB.They were lent out.



B.To discuss an exam.16.What do you think of the man?C.To see Lisa and Tina.A.Too authoritative.e. B.Very proud. C. So confident.


1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A holiday plan. B.A tourist attraction. C.A sea side walk.