炎德英才 名校联考联合体2024年秋季高二第一次联考(暨入学检测)英语试卷答案

炎德英才 名校联考联合体2024年秋季高二第一次联考(暨入学检测)英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于炎德英才 名校联考联合体2024年秋季高二第一次联考(暨入学检测)英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、炎德英才 名校联考联合体2024年秋季高二第一次联考(暨入学检测)英语试卷答案听力部分

12. What does the woman list the complaint under?A. Parts. B. Service. C. Performance.

炎德英才 名校联考联合体2024年秋季高二第一次联考(暨入学检测)英语试卷答案

11.Which is excluded from the rent?A.The parking fee. B.The e leo tricity fee. C.The management fee.

2、炎德英才 名校联考联合体2024年秋季高二第一次联考(暨入学检测)英语试卷答案选择题部分

炎德英才 名校联考联合体2024年秋季高二第一次联考(暨入学检测)英语试卷答案

here must be someone in my bedroom. Maybe, its an alien, " I said to 64.________Soon the 6s. nigh was coming And the a me voices came agai wh le I a s leeping. I wasafraid, but I decided to find the “alien”to ensure(确保) my 66.. I looked at every corner____carefully. And finally, I found it. But it 67. not an alien. It was an old broken radio in my____bookcase. The radio suddenly began to work and the voices came from itAfter that, I 68. interested in UFOs and aliens.____When I was in Grade 5, some astronauts were 69. into space for the first time. After that, I____always looked at the sky through the window of my room. However, I could only see lots of stars. I always____thought that some 70. might be on some stars and they were looking at me at the same time.

炎德英才 名校联考联合体2024年秋季高二第一次联考(暨入学检测)英语试卷答案

后你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对 话读两遍。1.What does David want to be in the future?2.What did Jim do last night?A.C.3.W3.Where are the two speak④. nextxt?To the restaurant.4.What is Lucy like?3. To the supermarket. C. To the library.5.How will Eric go and buyy some eggs?A.Outgoing. B.Cute. C Quiet.A.On foot. 13.By bike. C.By bus.