



25. Who does J and rise v its specially make dolls for?BA. Disabled children. B. Adult patients.C. Patients parents. D. Sick doctors.


days longer, leaves will fall from trees between three and six days earlier than they do now.28.What ca we know from the first two paragraphs?A.More carbon dioxide has been absorbed by plants than before.B.Higher temperature has an influence on plants'growing season.C.Climate change can be solved naturally through photosynthesis.D.Plants can give off oxygen and molecules through photosynthesis.



5.What does the woman like about the red-brickhouse?A.A fancy garden. B.A large kitchen.C.A bright bedroom.


22.What is the advantage of Rock al Parque?A.It lasts the longest. B.It is free to watch.C.It is held in large tents. D.It offers games for visitors.