



22.What can we lear about the course?A.It focuses on foreign languages.B.It involves face-to-face activities.C.It provides downloadable resources.D.It prepares students for university exams.


27.WWhat can we learn about Boa fo?A. He is talkative. C B. He is patient.C. He is determined.D.He is humorousC



4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At a laundry. B.At a restaurant. C.At a clothing store.


BXXian yu is an app(软件) for people(人) to sell their old things(旧物品) . Many(许多) of mywant to use(使用) it now. My classmates, Wang Hua and Li Jing are two of42.Hello! I’m Wang Hua. I d on't want to throw away(扔掉) my old things . 43I will(将)sell the m on Xian yu. I have some books.and a ping-pong bat. How much are they?Letme tell you. A book is five vu an and a tape is one yuan. The ping-pong bat is 45____so it’s 30 1an.IDo you want to 46 these old things? Call mI’m Li Jing. I have some sports shoes, notebooks and birthday cards I dont 47 themnow. You can buy the m 48 very good prices. The shoes are old but the notebooks and thebirthday 49 are new(新的) .A pair of sports shoes is 20 yuan. A notebook is 3 yuan and abirthday card is 501 yuan. Do you need them? Please e-mail me at lijinga163.com.A.friends B.cousins C. teachersD.classmatesA.them B.you C.your D.their43.A.howB.after .so D.butA.rulersB.tapes C.erasers D.mapsA.fineB.healthy C.fat .nice46.A.buyB. need C.know D.callB.sell C.play D.love.A.haveB.of C.atD.to3.A.forB.clothes C. fruitsA. photosB.always C.only D.thenD.cardsA.really补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分))